Roster of Voting Members
Gerald Ahrens
Rita Ahrens
Georganne Friedrich
Mark Friedrich
Ron Friedrich
Alice Hagemeyer
Dennis Konkel
Susan Konkel
John Mason
Diane Munoz
Jeff Padon
Andy Petajan
Barbara Rassofsky
Rita Ahrens
Georganne Friedrich
Mark Friedrich
Ron Friedrich
Alice Hagemeyer
Dennis Konkel
Susan Konkel
John Mason
Diane Munoz
Jeff Padon
Andy Petajan
Barbara Rassofsky
Criteria for voting membership
CLCD Constituion/Bylaws, Article I - Membership, Section A.3
Voting Membership. An eligible person (per Article IV, Section C, of this Constitution) who desires to become a member of the Voters' Assembly shall first demonstrate his intent by attending a regular meeting of the Voters' Assembly as a guest. At the beginning of the next regular meeting of Voters' Assembly, he shall sign the Constitution and Bylaws of this Congregation. Upon acceptance by two-thirds of the voting members present, he shall be declared a voting member.
Article 1, Section C.3.a
Inactivity. A voting member who is absent from the meetings of the Voters' Assembly for one full year without offering a valid excuse shall have his name removed from the list of voting members; however, he may be reinstated by again applying for voting membership as stated in Article I, Section A-3, of these Bylaws.
Voting Membership. An eligible person (per Article IV, Section C, of this Constitution) who desires to become a member of the Voters' Assembly shall first demonstrate his intent by attending a regular meeting of the Voters' Assembly as a guest. At the beginning of the next regular meeting of Voters' Assembly, he shall sign the Constitution and Bylaws of this Congregation. Upon acceptance by two-thirds of the voting members present, he shall be declared a voting member.
Article 1, Section C.3.a
Inactivity. A voting member who is absent from the meetings of the Voters' Assembly for one full year without offering a valid excuse shall have his name removed from the list of voting members; however, he may be reinstated by again applying for voting membership as stated in Article I, Section A-3, of these Bylaws.